My Charity


I woke up one morning and he wasn’t by my side, I looked at the clock and thought, he’ll be back soon and he’ll drive me to work. I had a quick shower expecting that he’ll arrive before I finish in there, but even after I was done, he still didn’t arrive. That was the last day of my butterscotch marriage because he never came back. I never saw him again. I never heard his voice, felt his touch or sensed his presence. That was indeed the end of an era in my life and the beginning of something new. How exactly is life supposed to continue under these circumstances?

The TWW’s Mission Statement

A WIDOW, a woman who has lost her special one, who is now on her own, she puts her trust in God and God alone. Because of this trust, fear, shame, disgrace, bitterness, sadness, hopelessness, defeat, dejection and all reproach of widowhood is wiped away. God is now her husband, the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel, the God of the entire universe.
1Tim 5:5 and Isaiah 54:4-5

To Support Widows

Emotionally- someone to talk to
Help with the children
Help with shopping
Help with house work
Help with benefits and housing regulations
Help with loving and looking after self
Help with loving and trusting God
Help with getting up and going forward

The Vision

To support widows through a most devastating period in their lives, to remind them that God cares and that they have not been forgotten or forsaken. That God will raise up helpers to support them through their new journey. To give proper recognition to widows and not sweep them under the carpets and pretend that they do not exist. And finally, to care for them as they bible says they should be cared for either by their families or by the church.


To find supporters of this vision
Support in prayers, people that understand and accept the vision and will be pro-active in their support. People will join prayer meetings, prayer chains or accept prayer topics as the need is required

Support financially, especially as a direct link to the widows. You may have no contact with our widows but agree to donate a year’s Standing Order to one or more of our widows.

Support as a buddy. TWW Links. A friend, a neighbour that can be around to support and be there. Help with going shopping, or going to church, or with filling out forms and applications. Whatever the need may be.

An experience

Once shortly after my husband died, I woke up early on a Saturday morning and immediately started to panic about how I couldn’t possibly bring up my son on my own without a father! I was seriously experiencing what you’d call a panic attack. I was at the point of hyperventilating when my phone rang. It was my brother. I don’t think he had ever called on a Saturday morning before and I don’t think he has done so since then. Anyway, I told him how scared I was about being a single mum to my son. He immediately reminded me that my husband testified at a men’s meeting a year before, that he was brought up by a single mum and he had made God his father and he turned out just fine. This gave me peace and quenched the panic in my soul.

Support as a buddy. TWW Links. A friend, a neighbour that can be around to support and be there. Help with going shopping, or going to church, or with filling out forms and applications. Whatever the need may be.

An experience

I went to Paris with my 2 kids, to Euro Disney. There were thousands of people in the Disney Park. Queuing for rides, eating snacks, shopping, taking pictures, laughing and generally having a good time. I was on my own as my kids had gone off on their own to go on rides that interested them. For the first time in a very long time, I felt lonely! Fact that, I was in the midst of thousands of people, yet I felt all alone!!

Another experience

I went to my daughter’s prize giving day at school. I seemed to be the only person who was there on her own. There were groups of people all over the hall. When the prize recipients were called there were groups of people to cheer them on. When my daughter was called, it was just me and to be honest I felt a bit self-conscious making a spectacle of myself.


The widows walk is truly a peculiar journey, especially if you have previously enjoyed a happy marriage. It will take the grace of God to navigate the choppy waters ahead and everyone’s timing seems to be different. Some people learn to cope immediately and begin to soar but for others it takes ages, sometimes years so we all need different levels of support. TWW aims to support our widows as much or as little as is required. There will be dark days, there will be days when you question, ‘what if?’ And there will be days when the sun shines brightly. Through it all, God will always be present. He will never forsake or leave you, just learn to trust him. He will grant you peace that surpasses understanding, the type that no one else can give. TWW aims to walk with you till you are ready to fly the nest.